Training Programs

This is an example of what a training program from us looks like.

Standing shoulder press  
Incline diagonal hantle-lift  
Reverse Flies  
Sitting rotationspress  
Torso in row machine  
Please notice that we recommend for you at least train the main muscle for the day for at least 30 min and a max of 45 min, this will allow you to gain the best and fastest progress. Also, this program should be changing each week so that you do week 1 followed by week 2.

Name: Chris

Starting date: January

Week 1= 6 min warm-up

12-15 rep/set

3 set/exercise

Week 2= 6 min warm-up

6-8 rep/set

4-5 set/exercise

The first column explains which exercise you are going to do for that specific day, the right column lets you put in which weight you started with and how many repetitions you did, this will allow you to keep track of your progress.

Click on the name of the exercise and it will take you to the explanatory video about the exercise.

The first thing that is important to know is that we have lots of exercises with different difficulty levels, so we will tailor your program so that you can see and feel your progress. So if you’ve been training for years or just started, don’t worry, we have the right program for you.

Pectorial UP Incline one hand cable-fly  
Pectorial Incline cable-fly  
Incline Plate press (difficulty level 2)  
Pectorial combination cable-fly 1 (difficulty level 2)  
Chest hantlepress explanation (difficulty level 1)  
Please notice that we recommend for you at least train the main muscle for the day for at least 30 min and a max of 45 min, this will allow you to gain the best and fastest progress. Also, this program should be changing each week so that you do week 1 followed by week 2.


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